35: Two Set Sea Life
You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.
Alan Watts
The November 2013 contest is to sculpt a single organism of the sea. A fish, a turtle, a dolphin, or even a sponge. Whichever one living creature you choose, it must live the majority of it’s life underwater. A strict limit of There is a limit of 432 magnets permitted. All brands of 5mm magnet spheres are allowed, including Neoballs.
No other load bearing objects may be used in the sculpture. Use not your bright reflective flash, but instead a self-timer and a tripod (or stand.)
As usual, the judges will be your peers. Pay attention to resolution, focus, lighting and framing. Sharp, high resolution pictures are preferred, but remember that your thumbnail will be hexagon shaped crop when shown among others. There will be at least FIVE winners, possibly more depending on participation. The prize for first place in this difficult contest will be $75 Zen Credits, usable on zenmagnets.com or neoballs.com. Everything you submit goes into the public domain. Of course, the first and foremost requirement, is that you have fun!
Submission deadline is the end of November.
To enter, load your full resolution photo on to imgur.com, and fill out this submission form: