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32.5: Firearm Construction Entries – Winners Announced

Posted on Sep 2, 2013 by in Results Posted

1st Place: EraZorX

"The main gun is pretty much a big, multi-layered tube with some odd protrusions.  Stock is just a heavily modified funnel.  Magazine.....Hard to describe, but it's just made of a bunch of wedge-shaped sub-units."

Magnet sphere sculpting is part art, and part science. EraZorX has mastered both, and has the track record of arguably being the best magnet sphere impressionist in the field where existing objects direct the design. It comes to no surprise that this amazingly well proportioned AK-47 model comes with such fine details. Those spectators who have little experience with building may assume this is merely a 2D object, set out with magnets on a black surface. Those same spectators should view some other angles of this sculpture. We are honored to award EraZorX with the first place prize of $75.

2nd Place: Poolshark

No artist comments submitted

This so titled “Antique Cannon” is unique, imaginative, and probably the one that Mandala owners at home would most likely try to recreate out of the group. The subunits are clear, and the construction approaches can be guessed by anybody with more than 10 hours of magnet sphere sculpting experience. Looks great on the steel building plate. $55 in Zen credits awarded to Poolshark, usable on or

3rd Place: Benjamingoossen

I attempted different barrel sizes as well as gun caps, and decided on a handle made out of mostly triangles. After everything finally came together I went into photoshop to make the background completely black as well as add lighting effects. I soon ran into some problems with the way the lights would be added to the gun and still isn't quite to my liking as well as not faithful to the original design. I deleted the magnets and replaced it with lights and had to copy/paste a full magnet at the top of each light to make it seem as if the light was "under" it. Link to original image here

Look familiar? If you enjoyed Men In Black, this will jump right out at you. “The Noisy Cricket” is the understated alien bug blaster that ended up being the most powerful gun that could be held by one hand. The handle is built mostly out of triangles. The photographic and post-processing quality are evident at full size, which is just one click away. Benjamingoossen wins $40 of magnets.

4th Place: BuckyRabbit

No artist comments submitted

A handgun, that appears approximately 1:1 scale. Although not modeled after any one in specific, the trigger, handle, and barrel are all distinct and clear.  BuckyRabbit joins from China, and has migrated to Zen Magnets after previously using Buckyballs. $25 prize awarded.

5th Place: Brobertsatwork

This is dedicated to all my family members that are on the force and anyone else that serves and protects. You are all heroes in our hearts.

“This is dedicated to all my family members that are on the force and anyone else that serves and protects. You are all heroes in our hearts.” – Brobertsatwork. This sculpture is modeled after a 38 Snubrose. Relevant and interesting props. $15 Zen awarded.

* * *

If you haven’t already, click on the images to check out the original size. And keep in mind that contests held here are independent of the Zen Gallery. Magnet sculptors can always submit photos to to win magnets as well.

Spectators, keep your eyes peeled for the next contest, because you choose the winners.

Contest Winners, we’ll email you your prizes soon.

Vote Here

 12 Entries for the August Firearm contest.

Click for original size.



1st Place: $75 Zen Credit, usable on or

2nd Place: $55 Zen Credit

3rd Place: $40 Zen Credit

4th Place: $25 Zen Credit

5th Place: $15 Zen Credit

Judges, remember that this contest is a photography contest just as much as it is a magnet sculpture contest, overall aesthetic does matter. Voting deadline is 9/30

Decide your favorite 4 entries, and

Vote Here